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Nayland with Wissington Conservation Society
Open Gardens


Nayland Open Gardens 2024

After an absence last year, Nayland’s Open Gardens returned on 9th June.

The weather was fine and the public’s enthusiasm to return to view the gardens of Nayland resulted in the second largest attendance on record with gross income of around £4,400 and 563 visitors.

Twenty-six gardens of all shapes and sizes, were on show, including three which had not opened before.

Enchanting cottage gardens, courtyard gardens and riverside gardens, sweeping lawned gardens and gardens with a view over the village were enjoyed by the many visitors who came from far and near. 

Delicious teas were available in the Village Hall with selection of wonderful cakes, buns and scones kindly baked by Conservaton Society members and friends.

Our thanks to all the open gardeners and the many volunteers without whom the event could not take place.

Next year's Open Gardens will be held on Sunday 8th June 2025.

Open Gardens 2024

Bear Street Bear Street
Stoke Road Newlands Lane
Stoke Road Court Street
Bear Street Open Garden
Stoke Road Open Garden
Longwood House Fen Street
Stour House Fen Street
14 Stoke Road Alston Court
Candy Cottage Alston Court
17 Stoke Road Mill House
Floodgate Cottage Floodgate Cottage
Floodgate Cottage Longwood Barn
64 Bear Street 9 Birch Street
Open Gardens Loretto
The Manse Open Gardens Teas
Longwood Barn Open Gardens Ices
Stream House Old Stables
Alston Court Bridge House
Egg Hall Cottage Heycroft Way
Longwood Barn Candy Cottage
Blincoes Parkers
Haysel Weavers
The Manse Stourside Cottage
Queens Head Birch Street
Mill House Egg Hall Cottage

Nayland Open Gardens 2022

After an absence of almost three years, Nayland’s Open Gardens returned on 12th June. The weather was perfect and the public’s desire to return to view the gardens of Nayland resulted in the largest attendance on record with 563 visitors being recorded.

In addition, with a late entry being added to the list of gardens at the last moment, we were able to open 24 gardens to the public, the highest number we have achieved.

There were a large range of gardens available from small but densely planted areas to the large expanse of perennial beds and lawns at Alston Court, the late medieval merchant’s house which overlooks St. James Church.

The five gardens on the south side of Bear Street were particularly popular as they overlook either the River Stour or the mill lade.

The team of ladies responsible for the teas and cakes in the village hall also had a record-breaking afternoon with sales exceeding all previous records.

The income for the afternoon totalled £4,513 almost £1,000 more than highest figure previously recorded.

Next year Open Gardens will take place on Sunday 4th June so remember to put a note in your diary now!

The gardens include:

Open Gardens

59 Bear Street
64 Bear Street
60 Bear Street
The Manse Bear Street
38 Bear Street
32 Bear Street
The Old Stables Bear Street
Weavers 14 Bear Street
Beaumont House Bear Street
15 Birch Street
14 Stoke Road
Longwood Barn Fen Street

Candy Lane House Fen Street
Lopping House 28 Fen Street
The Ancient House Fen Street
1 Fen Street
Alston Court
St. James Church
Loretto Church Lane
The White House Church Lane
4 Newlands Lane
Dereham House 30 Newlands Lane
Jasmine Cottage 32 Newlands Lane
Spring House 21 Court Street

Nayland Virtual Open Gardens 2021

For the second year in a row the Coronavirus restrictions caused cancellation of Nayland’s Open Gardens so the Society once again decided to hold a virtual Open Gardens.

The photographs of the 25 charming and varied gardens participating, many of which have been open to the public in previous years, can be viewed by clicking this link.

Click here to view the Virtual Open Gardens 2021

As this event is the principle source of funding for the Society, viewers are invited to consider making a donation to the Society’s funds for a sum no more than the usual £5 entry charge.  If you are inclined to make a donation please note the Society’s bank details are:
To Nayland with Wissington Conservation Society
Sort code  40-52-40   •  Account number  00013621   •  Payment reference (Your name) •   Amount  £

Our thanks go to the garden openers for their efforts.

The gardens include:

Open Gardens Photogrphs

64 Bear Street
60 Bear Street
Floodgate Cottage, 48 Bear Street
38 Bear Street
The Manse, 27 Bear Street
Beaumont House, Bear Street
15 Birch Street
50 Gravel Hill
14 Stoke Road
The Hollies, Stoke Road
Longwood Barn, Fen Street
Candy Lane House, 43 Fen Street
Lopping House, 28 Street

Stream House, 20 Fen Street
Mill House, Mill Street
The Old Bakery, Mill Street
Loretto, Church Lane
St James’ Churchyard
Newlands House, 4 Newlands Lane  
Dereham House, 30 Newlands Lane
Jasmine Cottage, 32 Newlands Lane
The White House, Church Lane
Alston Court
The Post Office, 19 High Street
21 Court Street

Nayland Virtual Open Gardens 2020

Nayland Open Gardens started as long ago as the summer of 1978 , therefore, it was a great pity that the Coronavirus restrictions meant the Society had to cancel this year’s event. However, a Society member enquired whether we might create a “virtual” Open Gardens and the Committee welcomed the concept.

Accordingly, we are delighted to show photographs of 32 gardens most of which have opened for many years to the public.  The majority of the photos were taken in the period from the 1st to the 7th of June although a few photos which fall outside this period have been permitted in the album. A list of the gardens featured appears below.

Click here to view the Virtual Open Gardens 2020

Alongside this we are also pleased to show a wonderful video taken by Nayland resident Stuart Howells featuring a number of Nayland gardens. Please click on this link below to view the film:

In the absence of experiencing the gardens in reality we hope you enjoy this two-dimensional presentation and look forward to welcoming you to Nayland in 2021 for our Open Gardens which will be held on Sunday 13th June.

Our thanks go to the garden openers for their efforts.

The gardens include:

Open Gardens Photogrphs

Open Gardens Film

64 Bear Street
60 Bear Street
Parkers, 43 Bear Street
Floodgate Cottage, 48 Bear Street
40 Bear Street
38 Bear Street
The Old Stables, Bear Street
16 Bear Street
Beaumont House, Bear Street
15 Birch Street
18 Birch Street
50 Gravel Hill
14 Stoke Road
17 Stoke Road
The Hollies, Stoke Road
Longwood House, Stoke Road

Longwood Barn, Fen Street
Candy Lane House, 43 Fen Street
Lopping House, 28 Street
Stream House, 20 Fen Street
The Ancient House, Fen Street
2 High Street
Mill House
The Old Queen’s Head, High Street
Crail Cottage, 7 High Street
Loretto, Church Lane
St James’ Churchyard
Newlands House, 4 Newlands Lane  
Dereham House, 30 Newlands Lane
Alston Court
21 Court Street
Knoll Gate, 20 Court Street

Open Gardens 2020

Report on Open Gardens 2019

439 paying visitors arrived in Nayland for the village’s 42nd Open Gardens afternoon on June 9th. The weather for a few days beforehand had been appalling but we were very fortunate that the sun chose to shine upon us.

Enchanting cottage gardens, courtyard gardens and riverside gardens, sweeping lawned gardens and gardens with a view over the village were enjoyed by the many visitors who came from far and near. 

Teas were available in the Village Hall with selection of wonderful cakes, buns and scones kindly baked by Conservaton Society members and friends in Nayland and Wiston. 

Twenty-three gardens were on show (including St James churchyard) and the net profit for the day totalled £3,005 the second highest amount, only beaten by last year’s record.

The gardens open in 2019:

64 Bear Street
Parkers, 43 Bear Street
38 Bear Street
The Old Stables, Bear Street
16 Bear Street
Beaumont House, Bear Street
15 Birch Street
14 Stoke Road
17 Stoke Road
Longwood House, Stoke Road
Candy Lane House, 43 Fen Street
Longwood Barn, 38 Fen Street
Lopping House, Fen 28 Street
The Ancient House, Fen Street
2 High Street
Mill House, Mill Street
Alston Court, Court Street
St James Church
Loretto, Church Lane
Newland House, 4 Newlands Lane
Dereham House, 30 Newlands Lane
Jasmine Cottage, 32 Newlands Lan

Report on Open Gardens 2018

Several hundred garden enthusiasts visited Nayland for the village’s 41st open gardens afternoon on June 10. 

Enchanting cottage gardens, courtyard gardens and riverside gardens, sweeping lawned gardens and gardens with a view over the village were enjoyed by the many visitors who came from far and near. 

Teas were available in the Village Hall with selection of wonderful cakes, buns and scones kindly baked by Conservaton Society members and friends in Nayland and Wiston. 

Twenty-two gardens were on show and takings totalled a record £3,461, about £200 more than last year.  £1,000 will be donated to the Nayland Community Store Ltd, providing the post office project goes ahead.

The gardens open in 2018:

64 Bear Street
60 Bear Street
Parkers, 43 Bear Street
38 Bear Street
The Old Stables, Bear Street
16 Bear Street
Beaumont House, Bear Street
9 Birch Street
15 Birch Street
14 Stoke Road
17 Stoke Road
Londwood House, Stoke Road
Candy Lane House, 43 Fen Street
Longwood Barn, 38 Fen Street
Lopping House, Fen 28 Street
2 High Street
Mill House, Mill Street
St James Church
Newland House, 4 Newlands Lane
Alston Court, Court Street
Spring House, 21 Court Street
Stour House, 23 Court Street

Report on Open Gardens 2017

Nayland’s 40th open gardens event attracted hundreds of visitors to the village on  June 11.

The weather was perfect on for garden viewing and visitors enjoyed a relaxed wander around the village exploring the 19 gardens which were open, as well as walking around our picturesque village.

Visitors remarked on the wealth of different shapes and sizes of the gardens and the contrasting styles and hidden gems which provided an excellent afternoon out.

Teas were in the Village Hall with a large and tempting selection of delicious cakes kindly baked by Conservaton Society members and friends in Nayland and Wiston.

The surplus amounted to £3,210 - a record amount; funds raised will go towards future local conservation projects.

The gardens open in 2017:

64 Bear Street
60 Bear Street
Parkers, 43 Bear Street
38 Bear Street
The Old Stables, Bear Street
16 Bear Street
Weavers, 14 Bear Street
9 Birch Street
15 Birch Street
14 Stoke Road
17 Stoke Road
Longwood Barn, 38 Fen Street
Candy Lane House, 43 Fen Street
Lopping House, Fen 28 Street
The Ancient House, 12 Fen Street
Mill House, Mill Street
St James Church
Newland House, 4 Newlands Lane
Spring House, 21 Court Street
Stour House, 23 Court Street

Report on Open Gardens 2016

The afternoon weather was perfect for garden viewing and visitors enjoyed a relaxed wander around the village exploring the 17 gardens which were open, as well as the churchyard.

The riverside gardens in Bear Street were particular popular and many people remarked on how surprising it was to find gardens of all sizes hidden behind the houses.

Teas were in the Village Hall, where there was large and tempting selection of delicious cakes kindly baked by Conservaton Society members and friends in Nayland and Wiston.

The surplus looks to be in the region of £1,500; funds raised will go towards local conservation projects.

Click to view the blog of a local amateur flower photographer who visited the gardens at

The gardens open in 2016:

64 Bear Street
60 Bear Street
Parkers, 43 Bear Street
38 Bear Street
16 Bear Street
Weavers, 14 Bear Street
9 Birch Street
15 Birch Street
14 Stoke Road
17 Stoke Road
Longwood Barn, 38 Fen Street
Candy Lane House, 43 Fen Street
Lopping House, 28 Fen Street
Mill House, Mill Street
Lorretto, Church Lane
St James Church
Stour House, Court Street

Report on Open Gardens 2015

Gardens of all shapes and sizes were open at our 38th annual event on June 15th. 

River gardens, walled gardens, pocket handkerchief size gardens and gardens with a views over the village, created varied and enchanting scenes to entertain the many visitors who came from far and near.  

The net proceeds of the day were £2,085.  

The drizzle at the start improved later on and the ice cream stand and teas in the village hall did brisk trade.

Many thanks to all those members and friends who opened their gardens, sold plants for us, made cakes for the teas and helped in many different ways to make the day so relaxing and entertaining for our visitors.

Click to view Open Gardens 2015 : Photo Album

The gardens open in 2015:

64 Bear Street
60 Bear Street
Parkers, 43 Bear Street
38 Bear Street
16 Bear Street
9 Birch Street
13 Birch Street
15 Birch Street
18 Birch Street
14 Stoke Road
17 Stoke Road
Longwood Barn, 38 Fen Street
The Ancient House, Fen Street
Mill House, Mill Street
St James Church
Alston Court, Court Street
Stour House, Court Street

Report on Open Gardens 2014

Nayland's popular open gardens afternoon drew hundreds of visitors to the village on June 8.

Twenty-two gardens of all shapes and sizes, including three new ones, were on show. The annual event is organised by Nayland with Wissington Conservation Society, which celebrates its 40th anniversary this year.

Secretary Andora Carver said: "The weather was perfect and we had lots of people enjoying the sunshine and browsing round 22 spectacular gardens.
"Many thanks to all who supported us, to the gardeners who worked so hard and those who baked delicious cakes for the teas.

"There was a surplus of £2,814 - a new record!."

This year's proceeds will help finance Nayland's second test pit dig planned for September.

The gardens open in 2014:

64 Bear Street
60 Bear Street
Parkers, 43 Bear Street
Floodgate Cottage, 40 Bear Street
38 Bear Street
The Manse, 23 Bear Street
16 Bear Street
The Old Stables, Bear Street
Weavers, 14 Bear Street
9 Birch Street
15 Birch Street
Egg Hall Cottage, 14 Birch Street
Hill House, Gravel Hill
14 Stoke Road
Longwood Barn, 38 Fen Street
43 Fen Street
Mill House, Mill Street
Loretto, Church Lane
St James Church
Alston Court, Court Street
Stour House, Court Street
Bridge House, Horkesley Road

Report on Open Gardens 2013

Sixteen gardens ranging from cottages on the mill lade to riverside houses and larger properties were on view in Nayland when the village Conservation Society held its open gardens afternoon on 9th June.

The total sum raised is about £2,500 with about 100 more visitors than last year in spite of the cold weather and a lot of people were able to see every garden.

The plant stalls did a good trade, as did the teas and ice creams. Some second-hand gardening books were also on sale.

We are very grateful to all who supported the day - visitors, cake bakers, tea helpers and above all, garden openers who put so much hard work into making the gardens a joy to behold on a very dull and cloudy afternoon.

Click to view Open Gardens 2013 : A Visitors Perspective.
Many thanks to Leo Smith for this album of photographs taken during his walk round Nayland for Open Gardens on 9th June 2013.


The gardens open in 2013:


Stourside Cottage, 60 Bear Street
Parkers, 43 Bear Street
38 Bear Street
The Old Stables, Bear Street
Weavers, 14 Bear Street
15 Birch Street
Hill House, Gravel Hill
14 Stoke Road
17 Stoke Road
Longwood Barn, 38 Fen Street
43 Fen Street
Stream House, 20 Fen Street
The Ancient House, Fen Street
Mill House, Mill Street
Stour House, Court Street
Bridge House, Horkesley Road

Report on Open Gardens 2012

Fifteen gardens of all sizes were on view in Nayland when the village conservation society held its open gardens afternoon on June 17.

The annual event, which began more than 35 years ago, attracted about 400 visitors and made about £2,500 profit.

Organiser Andora Carver said: "It was a lovely day and the gardens were looking glorious. People said how much they enjoyed touring them, often finding hidden views of our picturesque village."

Teas were served in the village hall and two plant and ice cream stalls did a brisk trade.

The afternoon's proceeds will go to local conservation projects, including the proposed book on the timber framed buildings of Nayland.


The gardens open in 2012:


18 Heycroft Way
38 Bear Street
16 BearStreet
Butchers, Bear Street
Egg Hall Cottage, 14 Birch Street
15 Birch Street
14 Stoke Road
17 Stoke Road
Longwood Barn, 38 Fen Street
43 Fen Street
The Ancient House, Fen Street
Mill House, Mill Street
Alston Court
Stour House, Court Street
Bridge House, Horkesley Road

Report on Open Gardens 2011

This year's Open Gardens has been especially challenging because of the low rainfall and the need to keep watering young and tender plants, so it was wonderful that 22 gardens were open, bearing in mind these difficult conditions.

Open Gardens has become a major annual showcase for the village and inspite of the cold and wet weather there were a good number of people enjoying a very wide and varied selection of gardens.  It was the first time of opening for 6 Birch Street and 13 Birch Street and several others had not been open recently.  We were delighted to have visitors from as far afield as St. Albans and Pinner.

The teas were a great success with a huge selection of wonderful cakes, buns and scones.   We are very grateful to all those who contributed – especially as there are so many other demands for cakes at this time of the year.   

The surplus looks to be about £1,900 which is similar to last year and is very reassuring inspite of the wet weather.  These funds will be used towards future conservation projects and of course the long-awaited book on Nayland Buildings.

The gardens open in 2011:

Riverside Cottages, 72-78 Bear Street
Stourside Cottage, 60 Bear Street
Parkers, 43 Bear Street
38 Bear Street
Weavers, 14 Bear Street
The Old Stables, Bear Street
Butchers, Bear Street
Perry Farmhouse, off Bear Street
6 Birch Street
13 Birch Street
15 Birch Street
Hill House, Gravel Hill
17 Stoke Road
Haysel, 36 Stoke Road
Longwood Barn, 38 Fen Street
43 Fen Street
The Ancient House, Fen Street
Blincoes, Newlands Lane
Alston Court, High Street
Stour House, Court Street
Dunelm House, off Bear Street
Bridge House, Horkesley Road